
The allotment has run a little wild – but order is quickly restored

The nettles are in full bloom, and the snails are very busy. However, it should take a little time to turn the situation around.

A little over four weeks, and the plot goes off course. Like an unruly child needing a hug, maybe getting a haircut. It’s been a lot of rain as well as new growth. Slugs and snails are running wild. Many leaves are damaged. Gaping gaps.
Bean poles are turning brown due to the fresh growth that the rain has sparked. The chard stems are hefty and white as a skeletal structure. Fennel is about 2 meters high and nearly covers sweet peas. Howard has also been out of town.
My excessive over-sowing habits are rife. Insane compensating for my absence. Also, summer is sliding. The days are getting shorter; the sun is getting lower. There is a need urgently for intervention and tools.

I pull nettles that are feet tall. Too eager to get gloves. The stinging is persistent throughout the day. My freshly pressed office t-shirt has become shabby. However, it is necessary to.
I push and pull. Keep the overgrowth in check until our neighbor, John, mows the pathways. I rip at the edges of the grass with no shears. I drag the trimmings out to the compost. I apologize in front of the garden plot that I have not been there.
Four weeks is an extended period of high-summer growth. However, this is gardening, and a couple of hours’ work can yield immediate benefits. I’ll come back tomorrow with a greater focus, perhaps cutting. Also, I’m grateful. For now, there’s still work to be done. I wheelbarrow a portion of the natural areas. I encourage the overgrown gastropods to move to the woods.
After a while, I slowly slow down to a stop. Keep in mind to be curious.
One of the advantages of gardening is its ability to make changes in a brief period. The soaring growth becomes less frightening within one hour or so before work. There is a balance. There will be peas, beetroot, and leaves for our Sunday dinner. Sweet peas in an arrangement on the table. Everything is okay in our allotment world.

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