
Kitchen Garden Planner

The phrase “kitchen garden” is bandied all the time. What is the meaning behind it? It’s always been an area of a vegetable garden close to the kitchen’s entrance, or the doorway to the outside is most comparable to the kitchen. The proximity is significant, and virtually every garden space within your home grows food, regardless of how far away the kitchen’s entrance is.

As I’ve thought of new concepts for the landscaping, also called “the yard,” — I’m looking to convert some of the features near that back entrance into the garden and herbs patches. The borders will be of the walk and patio and triangular areas where the paths meet a window pane near the kitchen window, a couple of containers of various sizes along the deck, and such things. This isn’t a particularly design-oriented or well-thought-out assortment of options. It’s more about taking advantage of what’s already available.

This brought me back to the debate of the balance between design and purpose. Form isn’t a huge factor in my plans. The function will. This is where the real thinking got started. What exactly is it that I’d like to plant? Where should I grow it?

My belief has always been that the primary purpose of a garden in the kitchen is to keep various vegetables, greens, and herbs readily available to be used closely. If you plan to plant lettuces, Kale, thyme, rosemary peppers, and some root vegetables, you don’t need to be concerned about the shape or what plants will complement each other. Nature will take care of it.

I cannot think of an ugly vegetable. Some are prettier than others. However, aside from salsify, a few aren’t beautiful. Certain are extraordinary. I remember a cluster of artichokes I grew in a locale warmer than Montana, with their curving hairs adorned with tiny, glistening strands and the buds that grew at their centers becoming tall and green. A friend used to tell me that I was wasting my homegrown delight when I let these buds blossom. That was the only occasion when I chose style over purpose. The flowers were beautiful.

My plans are based on growing items that are most commonly used within our home kitchen (minus the garlic and onions that will be in our vast space). I can see lettuce, Asian plants, and Kale in the borders and chard with its burgundy or white stalks growing in large clusters, vibrant small peppers in the triangles, tomatoes and herbs in the containers, and perhaps a few carrots to enjoying their beautiful green, fern-like tips (and delicious roots). These are not massive plantings as in the typical garden plot. There are only a few of them.

I’m also thinking of other things that could be a part of the garden, plants that will not be picked as fast as lettuces. Fennel is one of them. An attractive plant, it has numerous applications for cooking. Anise is a different one, with its simple flowers and distinct taste. Nasturtium vines can be found around the edges. The large, majestic leaves will be welcoming while the flowers embellish the summer’s salads.

The planting plans obviously will differ designed to meet your family’s requirements. Do you have children? It’s a good idea to involve your children in your garden, permitting them to cultivate radishes and other quick-growing vegetables to harvest independently.

Eric Vinje founded Planet Natural along with their son Wayne in 1991. Initially, they ran the business as a mail-order grasshopper bait business from an unfinished garage.

Eric has retired. However, he’s a famous gardener renowned for his skills in composting, organic gardening, and pest control. He uses non-pesticide options, including beneficial insects.

Eric believes that when you positively contribute to the environment, its effects will benefit future generations.

Sunflowers are always an excellent option for kids-friendly plants because of their large seeds, long growing season (a symbol of slow but steady development), and massive size. Harvesting edible sunflower seeds for children is always a blast. You can also extend their gardening lessons to help save seeds to plant next year’s seeds.

Herbs are an essential ingredient in the kitchen and gardens. If you’re blessed with a bounty of tomatoes, it’s best to grow your basil to add sauces to meals like homemade pizza. It is a fact that sages of all kinds can have a year-round presence in gardens with favorable conditions. Also, rosemary. Both are fantastic when paired with poultry. Rosemary is a great grilling ingredient with vegetables and meats. It can be grown in the soil as a perennial or even put into, for instance, the window box, which is regularly replanted.

There are other aspects to consider when designing your garden. In smaller spaces, companion planting can be a challenge. Certain plants aren’t compatible with other plants, for example, the dill, which doesn’t like carrots or tomatoes. Plan your garden to ensure that all plants are easily accessible. Grabbing a swath of lettuce behind large, heavy tomatoes is not a good idea.

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