
It’s peak growing season – here’s how you can help your plants thrive

At the peak of summer, the garden can become a mess. If everything goes as planned, the plants will thrive, and your vegetable garden will produce crops that require harvesting often. It’s the peak of this growing period, but it can be overwhelming at certain times. I prefer to focus on a few essential tasks in this busy season.
I’m frequently asked for tips on watering. However, there’s no simple answer because, as with everything gardening, it’s dependent. The amount of water you need is determined by weather (principally temperatures), whether it’s been rained, and how windy since the wind is often drying. If I need clarification on whether it’s necessary to water and I’m unsure, I put my fingers into the soil to see whether it’s wet. My veg patch is moisture-resistant in the fourth season, with no digging. A good drink every few times per week is better than an occasional method.
Cutting the stems off my tomato plants and squash; I help them concentrate on the fruits.

Based on your soil condition (or the length of time your plants have been growing in pots), You may have to add some extra nutrients to your plants. Comfrey feeds that you make at home (made by submerging leaves into the water till smelly and rotten, followed by diluting until it resembles the color of a weak tea) or organic seaweed-based liquid feed that you pour on the root of your plants can provide your plants with potassium that they require for fruit and flowering. If you tend to grow primarily leaves, you can use nettle feed (made the same way as the comfrey feed) is high in nitrogen that they require to flourish.

Cucumbers, aubergines, tomatoes, and many other summer crops must be pollinated to bear fruit. And this process, although mainly carried out by pollinating insects but one that we can help support. My garden is full of flowering plants that invite pollinators to visit the park and hope they will see my blooming plants. If you are concerned that your crops aren’t pollinated (undeveloped fruit is a sure indication), You can take action yourself. If you gently shake tomato plants while you walk through, it can aid pollen flow from the anther to a stigma (or make it happen manually with small paintbrushes). This is particularly helpful when plants produce separate pollen-producing and fruit-bearing flowers like courgettes. It will ensure a plentiful harvest.
The time of summer is the time when I trim the robust summer crops. When I “stopping” my tomato and squash plants (cutting the stems to stop the new growth), I am encouraging my plants to concentrate their energies on the fruit that they’ve already begun to set for the duration of their lives. In this way, I’m more likely to come to the autumn season with ripe fruit instead of an abundance of green and undeveloped squash tomatoes.

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