
Top 10 Hardy Plants For Early Summer

It is the time of year when the gardens are bustling with activity, and the first flowers are the main focus.

There are many early summer flowering perennials and plants to pick from; however, If you’re looking for some ideas, follow this article to learn about some of the hardiest plants to add early summer garden borders.


Foxgloves have been an essential part of the cottage’s garden, with their vertical flowering stems bursting in June and catching the first summer sun. The well-loved biennials and perennials are immediately identifiable by their open-mouthed tubular flowers with delicately spotted throats. Modern cultivars, like the sterilized Foxglove “Illumination Pink” series, extend the blooming duration well beyond the three weeks the old varieties provided. After the flowers have budged, cut off the flowering stems that have faded Foxgloves to avoid self-seeding (although I’m pretty fond of the new seedlings appearing in unexpected locations!) They thrive in sunny or shade; they can be an excellent addition to the edges of woodlands and borders for perennials, thriving with dry and drained shade.

Clematis (large blooming cultivars)

The hugely flowered Clematis cultivars are famous for their bright open flowers. They are available in various colors and shapes, creating an impressive display. They bloom from June to September; they are multiple climbers and great at covering a trellis, climbing obelisks and pillars, or scurrying through mature trees. Various modern cultivars have been bred to smaller growth patterns, making them suitable for planting in large pots on the patio. Try Clematis “Nelly Moser” for a shaded, North facing spot, or add a splash of bright color to sunny areas by planting Clematis “The President.” If you want to have something more exotic, choose the two-flowered Clematis Florida Taiga. With so many varieties, deciding which one you like best is the most challenging part!

Hydrangea macrophylla

Hydrangeas are an elegant species! Hydrangea macrophylla cultivars are the most famous for their massive mopheads and lacy caps that change color when placed on soils with various acidity. They are elegant and showy. I’ve never seen an ugly-looking Hydrangea (except perhaps Hydrangea macrophylla “Glam Rock’, and even that isn’t without merits!) Many of them are beautiful in autumn and provide a prolonged period of interest that runs from July to autumn. Easy to grow and exceptionally robust, Hydrangea macrophylla makes a flexible border for early summer and walls, whether in shade or sun shade.

Hardy Geraniums

The border of any herbaceous garden is complete with at least a couple of tough Geraniums. This diverse assortment of plants comprises the gentle and well-behaved Geranium cantabrigiense “Biokovo” to the larger, extremely robust Geranium Oxonianum cultivars. There is indeed a robust Geranium suitable for every location in your garden. They’re easy to cultivate and reliable, providing 100 100%. You can cut them back as they fade, and you’ll receive a new cluster of foliage and usually an additional flush of blooms. Unsurprisingly, they are among the most sought-after annuals in the UK.


The beautiful blooms of Lilac are in full color by the beginning of summer, their massive flowers filling the garden with a distinctive scent. Syringa vulgaris cultivars are beautiful specimens even when they aren’t blooming. Heart-shaped leaves cover the branches of this upright plant or tiny tree. You can try two varieties of Lilac ‘Michael Bookner’ or the well-beloved “Katherine’s Havemeyer’ to create the classic cottage garden plant. If there is a shortage of space, Lilac ‘Palibin’ is perfectly sized for pots on the patio.


Penstemons are always on the move! They begin flowering in June, continue to bloom throughout the summer, and bring a splash of color around your border. Pensham cultivars are highly robust, able to withstand cold temperatures and unpredictable weather that is often the norm during the British summer. In the spring, upright flower spikes with tubular flowers emerge from attractive clumps of evergreen leaves. These tough-working plants stay neat all through the summer months and are excellent options for filling in gaps in borders for summer.


Also known as Mock Orange, Philadelphus is a favorite for its summertime blooms that smell of flowers. Double-flowered Philadelphus “Virginal” is among the most beautiful, with white blossoms, which are adored by bees and butterflies. If you like vibrant foliage, this golden version of “Yellow Hill” is worth a look. Variegated forms like Philadelphus coronarius “Variegatus” is also readily available. Though the flowers’ visual impact may be reduced compared to foliage with variegation, These forms are excellent specimens to break up the green background of the mixed border.


It is instantly recognizable. Lupin can be easily identified as a different classic cottage garden perennial. Pea-like, tall towers are atop dense clumps that are finely dissected. Lupins are a fantastic array of colors, and their tall stems add to the height and structure of the borders of early summer. George Russell gives his name to the “Russell Hybrids’ from which many of our cultivars today are created. He has dedicated 23 years to creating these gorgeous breeds. He would be delighted to discover they’re still in high demand!


There is something extraordinary about the simple nature of Leucanthemum. Leucanthemum. The enormous Shasta Daisies are upright plants forming clumps that spread with time. The flowers are white, either ivory, yellow or white; there are many different flower types, from essential single blooms to frilly doubles, such as Leucanthemum x supermum “Goldfinch.” The first flowers bloom in June and last throughout the summer drawing insects to pollinate and creating beautiful cut flowers. The hardy, robust perennials are easy to cultivate and blend seamlessly with the elegant layout of the mixed border or the relaxed informality of a natural garden.


In the spring, a swirl of chartreuse, honey-scented flowers glistens over low clusters of lush green foliage. The leaves resembling Alchemilla Mollis fan shapes tend to collect morning dew, as well as raindrops that shimmer like gems amid the leaves. Low-growing perennial is an excellent ground cover for consistently moist soil. Consider using the taller Alchemilla Mollis “Thiller” cultivar for planting in thick sections to border borders and soften paths. Early summer flowers provide a great source of nectar beneficial to pollinating insects. They make a beautiful filler for bouquets of early summer flowers.

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