
Olive Tree: How to Plant, Grow, and Care for Olive Trees

Olive trees are not just stunning landscaping additions, providing delicious fruit and a lengthy background. They are famous for their fruits and long lives.

While some olive trees last at least 1000 years, most last between 300 and 600 years, the olive tree first appeared within Asia Minor and has since been introduced across Iran, Syria, Greece, and Palestine, with the remainder of the Mediterranean basin over six thousand years.

The Mediterranean area is the place where approximately the majority of these trees are located. Oil from olives is a famous export of nations such as Spain, Italy, Greece, and Tunisia. It is essential for the stability and development of these nations’ agricultural economies.

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In the last 20 years, other countries, such as the USA, Australia, Japan, China, and others, have begun recognizing olive trees’ strategic and economic importance.

They have incentivized olive farmers to be self-sufficient with olive products.

If you’ve thought about gardening and planting olive trees, you’re in the right spot. As a professional gardener, I’ve spent much time studying how to care for the fantastic trees and will happily share the secrets and tips I’ve learned.

In this guide, I’ll review the best practices for growing, planting, and caring for olive trees for the best harvest.

Whether you’re an experienced gardener or are just beginning, with a bit of perseverance and determination, you can reap the rewards of caring for these majestic trees for many years, too.

Botanical NameOlea europaea

Common Name: European olive tree, common olive tree

Family: Oleaceae

Genus: Evergreen fruit-bearing or fruitless tree

Hardiness Zones: 8 – 11 (USDA)

Sun Exposure: Full sun

Soil Type Loamy, well-drained and sandy

The pH range of soils is 6.0 to 8.0

Age of maturity: 10 years

The height range is Between 20-30 feet.

Bloom Time: Spring

Olive Tree Care

The secret to thriving olive tree maintenance is understanding their specific requirements. By caring for factors like water, light, soil and temperature, humidity, and fertilizer, you can provide the ideal conditions for the olive tree to thrive.

The olive tree has been in cultivation for thousands of years, and its cultivation and care techniques have improved. These tips will ensure your olive trees prosper and produce an abundant harvest.

Let’s dive deeper into each olive tree maintenance element to learn how to care for these majestic trees.


Olive trees require plenty of sunlight for their growth. They should be placed in an area with at least 6-8 hours of continuous light daily. This ensures that trees get the energy they require to perform the process of photosynthesis. This is essential for their growth and production.

It’s crucial to know that olive trees, with abundant sunshine, are ideal for Mediterranean climates. If you reside in a region with less sunlight, consider using artificial lighting to enhance the natural light and supply your trees with the required power.


In terms of soil, olive trees have particular preferences. They prefer loamy, well-drained soil that has a pH ranging between 6 and 8. This range of pH ensures that soils are acidic or neutral and is ideal for the absorption of nutrients.

Before you plant an olive plant, you must prepare the planting area. Begin by loosening the soil and eliminating any grass or weeds. Include an organic matter, like manure or compost, for better drainage and fertility. This creates a favorable environment for roots to grow and establish.

Avoid clay-rich soils because they could cause inadequate root growth and flooded conditions. When soil is mostly clay, consider adding sand or other substances to enhance drainage capabilities.


Although olive trees are renowned for their drought-resistant qualities,  irrigation is vital in their initial establishment and the stages of fruit development. Be sure to water them regularly and thoroughly so the soil can dry between irrigations.

One method of watering olive trees is to use drip irrigation. This method directly provides water to the plant’s roots, reducing water loss by evaporation and ensuring the trees have a sufficient water supply.

Be careful not to overwater, as too much water can lead to root rot and other illnesses. Finding the right balance and giving enough water to support the trees is essential without causing waterlogged conditions.

Temperature and Humidity

Olive trees thrive in Mediterranean climates with mild winters and dry, hot summers. They can withstand temperatures as low as 15 degrees (-9degC) but prefer temperatures of 70degF up between 70degF to 80degF (21degC to 27degC) to ensure optimal growth.

It’s essential to ensure proper air circulation within the trees in regions with high humidity levels. A high humidity level can create ideal conditions for spreading fungal infections, which could harm olive trees and diminish their productivity overall. Pruning trees to enable better air circulation and the removal of fallen leaves or other debris could assist in preventing the onset of fungal diseases.


Applying an appropriate fertilizer designed explicitly for olive trees in the early spring months will encourage the growth of your trees and increase fruit production. Choose a fertilizer with an N-P-K balanced ratio, like 10-10-10 or even 14-14-14, which includes a mix that provides nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium.

Follow the instructions on the packaging on application rates and frequency. It’s essential not to over-fertilize olive trees as excess nitrogen could cause excessive vegetative growth, hindering fruiting. A balanced and moderate approach to fertilization will produce the most effective results.

In addition, you should consider organic fertilizers such as compost and well-rotted manure, which release nutrients slowly and help improve the soil’s structure over time.


Most olive trees produce female and male flowers on the same tree since the trees are self-fertile. Planting a tree with a different variety close by and allowing it to cross-pollinate can often increase fruit yield.

How, When, and Where to Plant Olive Trees

Planning the planting process properly is crucial to olive trees’ long-term health and longevity by taking the proper procedures and weighing the critical factors to ensure that the trees grow and give you abundant fruits for a long time.

Choosing the Right Olive Tree Variety

Before you plant, look at the olive tree species most appropriate for your climate and tastes. Common varieties include ‘Arbequina’ Koroneiki,’ and ‘Frantoio..’

Each type has distinct characteristics and demands. Therefore, conducting your research thoroughly and making an informed choice is essential.

Be aware of aspects like your local climate and the soil type and purpose for using the olives in deciding on the kind that will flourish in your region.

Selecting the Planting Site

When selecting the location for planting, choose an area with plenty of sunshine, protection from the strong winds, and sufficient space to allow the tree to expand. Remember that the ideal moment to start planting is spring, once the threat of frost is over.

Olive trees require full sunlight to grow abundantly fruit, so choose a location that receives at least six to 8 hours of continuous sun each day. In addition, you should consider the conditions of the soil.

Olive trees favor well-drained soil to keep waterlogged conditions out of the way, which can cause root rot. Do not plant in low-lying regions or areas susceptible to flooding.

It’s also essential to consider the location of structures and other trees that could block or compete with the olive tree’s resources. Ensure your olive tree has enough space to expand its roots and develop without interference.

Preparing the Planting Hole

Once you’ve chosen the best olive tree and location to plant it, now is the time to prepare the hole for planting.

Create a hole that is a little deeper and wider than the container where the olive tree grows. This will allow the roots ample space to grow and establish themselves in the new place.

Take the tree out gently from the container, being cautious not to damage the roots. Place it into the hole. Be sure it is aligned with or slightly over the soil’s surface. This will prevent trees from sinking far into the ground.

Fill the holes with dirt, then gently firm them to eliminate air pockets and give stability.

Mulching and Watering

After planting the olive trees, you must give them the right conditions for good growth.

Another method to accomplish this is to put organic mulch, like straw or wood chips, on the ground around the foundation of the plant. Mulch helps to conserve soil moisture, reduce weeds’ growth, and regulate the soil’s temperature.

Distribute the mulch into a circle around the tree, creating a little space around the trunk to stop the accumulation of moisture and decay.

The new olive plant thoroughly following planting to help settle the soil and supply initial hydration for the roots. Check the soil’s moisture levels often and adjust watering as needed.

Olive trees are drought-resistant once established. However, they need regular irrigation, notably in dry times.

Maintenance and Pruning

Regular pruning is required to ensure a properly shaped and well-functioning olive plant. Pruning can help remove dead, damaged, or crossed branches, which helps to ensure the proper circulation of air and helps to encourage the growth of fresh fruit-bearing wood.

The ideal time to trim olive trees is the latter part of winter or early spring when the tree is not in use. Begin by eliminating branches that are diseased or dead and branches that are extending inwards or cross-cutting. This will improve the overall structure and shape of the tree.

In addition, you should thin out the crowded branches to ensure adequate circulation of air and sunlight. Make sure you have a broad canopy that lets sunlight reach all areas of the tree. This promotes the growth of your tree and increases fruit production.

Common Varieties of Olive Trees

Olive trees are found in various cultivars with distinct characteristics and flavors. Three of them are widely grown types of olive trees:

“Arbequina”: This Spanish version is appreciated for its mild buttery taste. It is well-known for its early ripening and small size, making it ideal for commercial orchards and home gardens.

“Koroneiki” Originating out of Athens, Greece, the “Koroneiki” variety is known for its oil content and exceptional fruit production. It thrives in dry and hot climates and is sought-after by olive oil makers all over the globe.

“Frantoio”: Originating from Italy, The “Frantoio” variety is cultivated for its outstanding oil quality. It has a rich and fruity taste, making it very popular with people who love olive oil and enjoy it.

How to Grow Olive Trees Indoors

If you reside in a climate with extreme winters or a small area for outside space, you can appreciate the beauty and advantages of olive trees by cultivating them inside. Follow these guidelines to grow olive trees in your home or greenhouse.

Growing olive trees inside isn’t just an efficient solution for people with limited outdoor space. It also adds an extra touch of Mediterranean elegance to any home. Olive trees have been grown for centuries and are well-known for their stunning silver-green foliage and delicious fruits.

While olive trees are generally considered native to warm conditions, some varieties have been specially designed to grow indoors. These compact varieties, like “Arbequina” or “Picholine,” can adapt to the less light and lower temperatures typically found indoors.

Choosing a Suitable Indoor Variety

The suitable olive tree species are crucial to ensure the success of indoor cultivation. Select a variety specially developed for indoor growth and are more at adapting to the confined area and conditions that are typical of indoor environments.

The Arbequina and Picholine varieties are excellent options and are well-known for their compact dimensions and adaptability.

When selecting an olive tree for your indoor space, be aware of the available space and the aesthetic you want to create. Certain varieties have an upright form, whereas others have a more bushy or cascading look. Choose a plant that is compatible ideally with the style of your home and the space available.

Providing Adequate Light

One of the most critical aspects of successfully growing olive plants indoors is providing sufficient lighting. Olive trees love the sun and require the most direct sunlight feasible. Put your olive tree next to an east-facing window so that it will receive the most significant amount of light.

It is essential to note that it is likely not to receive the sunlight they need to produce fruit. Therefore, if your house has no suitable windows or you reside in an area with limited sunshine, you can boost the light source with artificial lighting.

Grow lights with LEDs are a fantastic choice because they offer the required lighting intensity and spectrum to ensure optimal growth. The lights should be placed above the tree, and adjust their height according to how tall the trees grow to ensure equal lighting distribution.

It’s crucial to remember that olive trees require time to rest, as they do in their natural habitat. You must provide them with at least 6-8 hours of darkness daily to replicate the natural light cycle.

Managing Temperature and Humidity

Olive trees that grow indoors thrive in temperatures that range from 60degF up to 70degF (16degC to 21 degrees Celsius) in the daytime and a little cooler at night. Ensuring they have an even and stable temperature to reduce stress and encourage healthy growth is essential.

When central heating systems may dry out the air in winter, keeping the humidity levels reasonable is crucial. Olive trees have an average relative humidity of 40 to 60 percent.

You can boost the humidity by putting a humidifier near or misting the tree often. A different option would be to put it on a tray filled with pebbles and water to create a moist atmosphere around the trees.

Watering and Fertilizing

The proper watering regimen is vital to the well-being of your olive tree indoors. It is essential to thoroughly water the tree every time the top inch of soil appears dry. It’s crucial not to overwater because it could lead to root rot and other issues. Ensure the pot has drainage holes, allowing excess water to drain.

Regarding fertilizing, olive trees in containers cannot access nutrients compared to the ones growing in the ground. To ensure healthy growth, apply an appropriate liquid fertilizer designed for plants grown in containers every 6-8 weeks throughout the growing season. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct dosage and method of application.

Alongside regular fertilization, it’s a good idea to amend the soil using organic materials like compost or manure that have been well-rotted to ensure a constant intake of nutrients. This will ensure the well-being and health of your olive tree indoors.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases for Olive Trees

Although olive trees generally resist disease and pests, they may encounter difficulties. Awareness of typical threats and taking the appropriate preventive measures will help maintain your plants’ well-being and health.

Let’s take a look at a few of the most frequent pests and diseases that olive trees could be afflicted with:

Olive Fruit Fly

The Olive Fruit Fly ( Bactrocera oleae) poses a significant danger to olive trees since its larvae feed upon the developing fruits and cause them to fall quickly. This invasive pest, native to the Mediterranean region, is now spreading to other areas that grow olives.

The olive tree lovers and farmers have devised strategies to stop the olive fruit fly. One method is to use traps for monitoring that draw adult flies and trap them, permitting growers to determine the density of the population and then take the appropriate actions.

The timely harvesting of the fruits, while the fruit is still firm and green, can aid in reducing the risk of infestations. Furthermore, organic insecticides derived from natural sources can combat an olive fly without damaging valuable insects and the ecosystem.

Olive Knot

The Olive knot is caused by the bacteria Pseudomonas Savastanoi and causes the formation of rough galls on twigs or branches. These galls may disrupt the transport of nutrients and water, affecting the overall well-being and health of trees. Olive knots are a prevalent disease that affects olive-growing regions and can lead to massive economic losses.

To treat olive knots, locating and removing the affected areas is crucial. Pruning twigs and branches that are infected while sterilizing pruning tools after each cut will help slow the disease’s spread.

In addition, encouraging ventilation by spaced trees properly while avoiding a lot of irrigation could create hostile conditions for bacteria to flourish.

Verticillium Wilt

Verticillium Wilt is a fungal disease affecting various plants, including olive trees. This fungus, Verticillium dahliae, affects the roots and extends throughout the vascular system, leading to leaf discoloration, wilting, and branch dieback.

Verticillium wilt prevention begins by choosing olive tree varieties that are disease-resistant. The types have been bred to resist fungus and are less prone to infections.

In addition, avoiding stress on water and following the correct irrigation practices will help reduce the chance of contracting. The fungus thrives on moist soil, so maintaining well-drained soil is essential.

Phytophthora Root Rot

Phytophthora root rot can be described as a soil disease caused by different species of the Phytophthora genus. It is a problem for the olive trees, causing decay, stunted growth, and wilting of the leaves. This is common in areas with poor drainage soils and high humidity levels.

To avoid phytophthora root rot, ensure proper drainage of your olive plants. Ensure you don’t overwater and that your soil can provide drainage.

Growing olive trees in mounds or raised beds can help improve drainage and decrease infection risk. Furthermore, choosing varieties of olive trees that are resistant to disease can give you an additional layer of security.

By understanding and applying proper maintenance practices, choosing suitable varieties, and being aware of possible threats, you will appreciate the beauty, fruits, and stories that olive trees provide!

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