
Leaving grass to grow is easier, looks good, and supports pollinators

The majority of the time, I attempt to follow a “good for you, not for me” approach toward other gardens. In the end, gardening has given me the most satisfaction when I’m at ease doing it how I would like. If you’d like to line your gardens with gnomes, take it! Do you want to dedicate all your plant gardens to spinach? Enjoy your iron-rich diet! Anything that makes you feel happy.

The area where I have difficulty. However, I have a problem with lawns. Mainly those comprised of material like plastic (not for discussion here today as we’re still learning to get to know each other) and ones maintained by a person in protective clothing that arrives with an enormous container containing chemicals and an irrigator.

The history of lawns is a complex and challenging subject; however, the reality is that most gardens have a yard. My garden is one of many with one which I do not enjoy the look of them. These often ecologically unsustainable swathes of green, and in the summers that are becoming increasingly hot yellow, feed the mythology about”the “English Garden,” and we cancan spend hours spraying, mowing, and watering to keep the appearance of a carpet.

Imagine a world where we simply … did not? Last year, I was chatting with friends in the vast, long, and wildly free-ranging garden belonging to Andrew Timothy O’Brien, an amiable and thoughtful gardener whose style is refreshingly non-interventional (you can read about some of the details in his permission-granting to read to Stand and Look ).

Technically speaking, there’s some lawn in the O’Brien’s backyard, but the property was not mowed all year long, and it flowed beautifully through his flower beds that were soft and fragrant with dandelions and daisies, lady’s smock, speedwell. In the areas where he and his dog, Nell, had trodden the path, a soft one was created however, the rest of the site was left to the pollinators.

It was the essence of what’s become known as No Mow May, in actual practicable terms: leave your mower for a month (or in some cases, for a more extended period) to improve the lives of our vertebrates. We’re half-way through May. There’s never an opportunity to unplug your self from one of the most difficult the horticultural chores.

Since the 1930s in the 1930s, 97 percent of British wildflower meadows have disappeared. We’ve lost hundreds of species of hoverflies and bees since the year 1980 because of insecticides (like sprays on our lawns in the home) as well as habitat loss. Overall decrease in biodiversity. Plantlife, the organization that is behind No Mow May, claims that taking the mower off could lead to a reverse of this trend increasing by tenfold the number of bees as a result of the growth of nectar-rich plants like a white daisy, clover, and selfheal can be put up in just a few weeks.

I usually mow every month or so due to my lazy nature and curiosity. I love finding out what I find when I don’t. But If you like the feeling of clean lines, can I suggest you adopt an approach of landing strips? leaving some areas of a lawn, like concentric circles or a ribbon in across the middle of the broader pathway, can significantly enhance the growth of wildflowers.


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