
How to Make Fairy Gardens

They are a fun way to introduce children to gardening. Or, they can add a little whimsy to your life. How to get a few sprites to visit your garden.

Fairy Gardens: Planning the Location

Have fun and let loose. You can create a forest setting, an oasis around a water feature, or a flower cottage. Select a location that will not be disturbed by other gardening activities. Consider creating the fairy garden directly on the ground. You can place the fairy garden amongst the roots of trees, in a container, or even in a wagon or wheelbarrow.

What plants to use?

Select plants with various heights, textures, colors, and scents. Fast-growing groundcovers are excellent for lawns, and low plantings can be used in fairy gardens. Baby’s tears are a good choice (Soleirolia solirolii, USDA Zones 10-11), or you can try blue star creeper with its dazzling blue flower (Pratia pendulata, Zones 5-10). The cultivar “County Park” only reaches three inches in height.

Cranesbill has long-blooming, delicate pink flowers. Irish moss will cover your tiny hills and mountains beautifully. Spring and summer are the seasons for delicate white flowers. Consider Canberra grass ( Scleranthus biflorus; Zones 9-11) if you live in an arid, hot climate.

The ornamental strawberry (Fragaria and ananassa, Zones 5-8) is heat-tolerant and produces tiny strawberries and white blossoms in spring. Birds will eat the berries. Thyme adds fragrance to your fairy gardens.

Accessorizing for Fairies

Many nurseries and garden centers, as well as online, sell a wide range of items to help you create your fairy garden. These include houses, doors, arbors, furniture, hardscaping, and gardening tools.

Start with your imagination if you want to create your accessories. Thimbles, spools (empty or filled) of thread, and wire can all be used as fences. Create miniature bunting or flags using fabric, twine, and hay scraps. You can also build pallets by wrapping hay with yarn.

Fairies only have a few requirements. They want a place to retreat from the world’s skepticism. Why not put aside doubts and create a home for your good luck fairy?

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