
How to Grow Sage Plant: Complete Beginner’s Guide to Sage

A part of the mint family, culinary sage (Salvia officinalis) is a highly aromatic plant with a delicate earthy taste.

It is particularly good with lamb, pork, and poultry. It is frequently employed in dressings and holiday fillings. Use it sparingly since the sage flavor can be intense and easily dominate any dish.

Sage is highly valued as a medicinal herb and has been used for a long time to treat a wide range of ailments ranging from fractured bones and injuries to stomach problems and breathlessness, and memory loss.

Pliny The Elder (23 – Pliny the Elder (23-79 AD) was an ancient Roman scientist and philosopher who advised using sage to treat digestive worms, memory issues, and snake bites.

Sage is beautiful with its beautiful blooms that are purple-pink. It can be grown outdoors in gardens or indoors in pots.

We suggest planting this sturdy perennial with other Mediterranean herbs, such as rosemary and basil, to create a fragrant and delicious kitchen garden.

Common Name: Sage, Common Sage, culinary sage, garden sage

Botanical name: Salvia officinalis

Family: Lamiaceae

Plant Type: Herb, perennial

Hardiness Zones: 4 – 10 (USDA)

Exposition to Sun: Full sun to partially shade

Type of Soil: Sandy, sandy well-drained

Soil pH: Acidic, neutral (6-7)

Bloom Time: Summer

The maturity of HTML0 is between 70 and 75 days after transplantation, 90 to 100 days after the seed

Height: 2 – 2.5 ft. tall

spread 2 – 3 feet. large

Spacing Between 18-24 inches from each other

Native Area: Mediterranean

Quick Guide: Planting, Growing & Harvesting Sage

  1. An essential herb for lamb, pork, and poultry, as well as stuffing
  2. It is best to grow from divisions or cuttings.
  3. Plant in full sunlight in soil with compost and drainage well
  4. It is very cold-resistant. Add mulch to provide winter protection.
  5. Look for slugs, powdery mildew, spider mites, and verticillium that will turn.

Sage Plant Care

Sage (Salvia Officinalis) is an aromatic, predominantly woody perennial tree that belongs to the mint family (Lamiaceae) and is native to the northern Mediterranean.

It is also known under the popular names culinary sage, common garden sage, and garden sage.

Salvia officinalis is a quaint reference to a pharmacy, herb store, or drugstore. Salvia refers to ” being healthy to be healthy,” ” saving, ” and “salvation.”

Sage is often called the herb that guarantees immortality, domestic virtue, health, and cunning. Sage is a symbol of wisdom, domestic purity, and good health. Romans considered sage to be an essential ritual herb. It was cultivated throughout Europe over the centuries for medicinal and culinary purposes.

Even if you do not cook with sage in your cooking, you should consider growing it as a plant companion in your garden for beneficial insects and deter pests.

In addition to attracting pollinators like butterflies, honeybees, and hummingbirds with their scented flowers, the plant’s fragrant leaves also act as a natural deterrent to the parasites of beans, carrot flies, cabbage flies, and maggots of cabbage.


Ensure your sage gets the full sun, or at minimum, the equivalent of six hours’ direct sun each day for the most delicious taste. If you’re in zone 8 or higher, the sage may need shade during the afternoon, particularly when it gets hot.


Sage plants like soil that is well-drained, sandy, or loamy. Damp soil could cause rot and eventually cause the plant to die. The soil’s pH is supposed to be a little acidic or neutral.


Sage requires moderate amounts of water and a little drought tolerance. When it is young, ensure the soil is well-drained, but keep it moist and dry.

If the upper 1 to 2 inches of soil around established plants dry, water them. When you water, ensure not to get the leaves wet because this could cause mildew.

Temperature and Humidity

Sages resembling common sage instead of the more decorative varieties, like the golden or tricolor sage, are more robust.

The temperatures between 60 and 70°F are the ideal temperature for the growth of plants; however, established plants can withstand short intervals of frost.

Sage is a plant that prefers moderate levels of humidity. If you reside in a region with high moisture, ensure that the plants can get adequate air circulation to stop the growth of fungal spores.


Sage plants are not big eaters, and feeding them with a large amount of fertilizer could diminish their flavor. In spring, apply organic fertilizers on plants or mix compost with the soil.


Sage is best cut to the ground in the early spring. To keep the next season’s leaves fresh and tasty, cut them off the woody stems.

Types of Sage

Sage comes in various varieties with different sizes for the leaves as well as plant shapes and colors.

The varieties that are golden or purple make great ornamental house plants. They tend to be smaller in size than gray or green ones. However, they taste equally delicious.

Some of the most widely available types are:

  • Golden Sage ( Aurea): Golden sage is an evergreen sage with leaves with shades of green and gold. It also brings out the color of other plant species. It is also used frequently for cooking.
  • Berggarten: This type was first observed in the Berggarten Mansion in Germany. Berggarten sage doesn’t bloom but is like a typical garden sage in appearance, color, and form.
  • Purple Sage ( Purpurascens): This variety grows 18 inches tall and features purple leaves that have a distinct taste. It is also used as an ornamental plant to match the yellow flowers. However, it’s less durable in winter than typical sage.
  • Tricolor The variety is green that has white edges and pink streaks. It can be used indoors but is less robust than the common sage.

How to Plant and Grow Sage

Site Preparation

Sage thrives in well-groomed gardens or pots and needs full sunlight. They can tolerate some shade but require well-drained soil to flourish. Incorporate lots of organic garden compost or properly aged chicken manure before planting.

How to grow sage from seeds

If you cultivate sage by seed, remember that it may require several years to mature fully.

If you decide to start with seeds, you should start the seeds indoors for 6-8 weeks before the last frost. Place them under the light of a plant. Sage seeds will germinate in approximately three weeks, following which sources can be transplanted into the soil you have prepared.

The new plants can be propagated using other cuttings or by layering.

To allow them to grow, keep them from increasing nearby because they tend to grow into rounded shrubs. Sage plants should be placed between 18 and 24 inches from each other.

How to Grow Sage in Pots

Cultivating sage in pots is an excellent option if you need the proper soil or lighting environment in your yard. Pools can be moved easily to ensure that the sun is exposed correctly.

To cultivate sage, a clay container is the best choice. Select a pot that is at minimum 8 inches deep and 8 inches wide initially. If the plant grows out of its container and is root-bound and rooted, you can transplant it into an enormous container.

To prevent water from accumulating, ensure your pot has drainage holes.

Harvesting and Storing Sage Plant

Pick leaves in a controlled manner at the beginning of the year. Pick as you need over the following years. Sage is best consumed fresh. However, it is possible to store. The dried leaves taste more intensely and differ slightly from the new ones.

To dry, tie the cuttings into small groups and hang them upside-down in a dark, well-ventilated room. Once dry, take the leaves from the stems and keep them whole. Check out our article on harvesting and preserving Herbs to find out more.

Seed Saving Instructions

Sage seeds are waiting to be saved when the flowers turn dark brown with dry. Once dry, gently crush the heads with your fingers and then carefully carve out the dust.

Companion Planting With Sage

In the garden of vegetables, common sage makes an excellent plant to have as a companion.

Plant sage around plants of the cabbage family, like the cabbage family, Brussels sprouts, broccoli, and kale, to keep the cabbage moths and their cabbage worms out.

The sage’s strong aroma can deter insects. It also helps guard carrots from the carrot insects like the rust fly.

Common Pests and Plant Diseases

Spiders, along with spider mites, are among the more common garden insects that are found on the sage. Pay attention and adopt the following common-sense, most non-toxic method of pest control:

  • Get rid of weeds and other garden debris to remove other hosts.
  • Please get rid of plants with a high risk of infestation by securing the bag and placing it in the garbage.
  • Commercially available beneficial insect species to combat and kill insects.
  • Treat areas of pests using diatomaceous Earthneem oil, or other organic pesticides.

Foliage is prone to fungal diseases like powdery mildew and verticillium wilt, which may cause disfigurement of the leaves in severe infestations. To help reduce the effects of these plant diseases:

  • Do not use overhead watering whenever it is possible (use the drip irrigation or soaker hoses)
  • Adequately spaced plants to improve the circulation of air

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