
How to Create a Peaceful Garden in this Noisy World

The noise of busy streets wafting into a garden can ruin many a peaceful dream. Many landscaping options can help reduce the noise in our gardens and yards. Although we cannot stop all noise, we can certainly reduce it. The solution is to use hardscaping and strategically placed plants.

The noise of busy streets wafting into a garden can ruin many a dream. Many landscaping options can help reduce the noise in our gardens and yards. Although we cannot stop all noise, we can certainly reduce it. The solution is to use hardscaping and strategically placed plants.

How to Create Your Peaceful Garden

Large stone or concrete walls, often found lining highways close to residential areas, are sound-barrier walls. A stonemason can help you adapt the concept for your landscape. Climbing plants can be trained to grow up and over a brick wall. These walls can deflect sound and keep curious pedestrians away.

* Basic fencing can limit unwanted outside noises and attention on yards and houses. Use a solid material such as wood and add plants to help break up sounds for best results.

* Trees and shrubs can create a beautiful garden and block out sound. You can use hedges as thick borders or strategically place large trees with thick branches in noisy areas. Evergreens can be a good choice, but consider deciduous trees with dense foliage and a compact habit.

You can create soothing sounds to reduce the noise from the streets. You can add water features like bubbling ponds, waterfalls, and fountains. These additions will not absorb outside noises but can help mask them. Add bird feeders to the mix, hanging them on sturdy branches. This will attract songbirds.

Here are some more tips on intelligent garden design that will help you create a sanctuary away from everyday noise. The Association of Professional Landscape Designers is an excellent resource for finding a landscape designer.

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